Character and Citizenship Education
To nurture responsible citizens who are leaders of character.
Key Programmes
CCE in the Woods (CIW)
CIW is our school-based values-curriculum developed to educate students on values and self-leadership skills with the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People as a foundation. The CIW package consists of activity sheets, buzz time and students’ reflection on our school values and the 7 habits.
Through the use Appreciative Inquiry (AI), the Four Player Model and Systems Thinking (Upper Primary), teachers engage students in critical thinking and guide them in developing their own moral compass. This is critical in developing our students into Critical Thinkers and Leaders of Character.
Additionally, students will self-assess on their progress in demonstrating our school values using the CIW Reflection. Thereafter, teachers will provide their input and feedback to support our students’ character development.
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National Education (NE) Commemorative Days
In Greenwood Primary School, we commemorate the Total Defence Day (TDD), International Friendship Day (IFD), Racial Harmony Day (RHD), and National Day through fun, engaging, yet meaningful activities. During NE Commemorative Days, students learn about the important milestones of Singapore’s history and how they can continue to maintain Singapore as a diverse, unified and resilient country.
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Museum-Based Learning (MBL)
MBL (CCE and Social Studies field-based learning) at various museums and heritage institutions allow students to understand the history and heritage of Singapore and the region; appreciate the contributions by the ethnic communities towards the development of our nation; and strengthen national identity, build a sense of belonging and pride in the nation.
The programme includes the Primary 4 students visiting Geylang Serai Heritage Gallery and Kreta Ayer Heritage Gallery. Primary 5 students visiting Indian Heritage Centre; and Primary 6 students visiting the Asian Civilisations Museum.
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Values in Action (VIA)
In nurturing our students to be Leaders of Character, VIA provides them with opportunities to contribute to society. We believe that every student, no matter how young, can contribute to society. Students have opportunities to learn and care about Singapore, demonstrate active citizenship, learn skills and values related to working in groups and interacting with others in the public sphere besides serving the needs of the community in a variety of ways.
As part of Everyday Responsibilities, students develop a sense of responsibility and care for their own shared spaces through daily cleaning (Clean in the Woods) and adopting sustainable practices in school and at home.
VIA Projects in Greenwood Primary, focuses on the three areas of Awareness, Action and Advocacy, aimed at improving the well-being of the community. Students plan and execute a VIA project, which is integrated with Project Work (PW).
Students in Primary 1, 2 and 3 work on ways to contribute by raising awareness on issues that matter to them. An example would be the use of food journaling and documenting the family memories through food. Entries created by our Primary 1 and 2 students will contribute to the national archival of our memories - NLB Contemporary Collection. Primary 3 students apply inventive thinking as they work on reimagining and designing spaces in the school to make them more conducive for everyone. Students in Primary 4, take action by contributing to the community around them. They apply inventive thinking as they design games or toys which can then be submitted for competitions, as well as during our annual Celebrating OWLETS event which serves as a platform for social entrepreneurship. Primary 5 students take action by increasing awareness of the health benefits of eating mushrooms with our partner Golden Cap Farm, promoting healthy eating and sustainability efforts among elderly and preschoolers with our elderly care centre and preschool centre partners.
Our students become Leaders of Character as they influence and shape the thinking of others as they work with external stakeholders such as the elderly care centres and preschools in the community.
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Education and Career Guidance (ECG)
With the revised Primary School Leaving Examinations (PSLE) scoring system and diversity of secondary education pathways, students need to be guided to make informed school choices while considering their values, strengths, interests, and skills. ECG experiences in Primary schools (e.g., secondary school talks, career talks) are opportunities to build our students’ self-awareness and knowledge of the different education and career pathways. Such experiences would be especially valuable for our students who are in their primary school years, which are a time for growth and discovery.
We also believe that ECG enables our students to develop a sense of purpose in life. By nurturing self-awareness and self-directedness for lifelong learning, ECG helps students develop a growth mindset, adaptability, and a resilient attitude to embrace future opportunities and appreciate the value of all occupations.
ECG lessons are taught during CCE FTGP periods during class discussions, activities, and self-directed learning via Student Learning Spaces (SLS) and the exploration of MySkillsFuture portal. ECG lessons have the following goals:
Discovering Purpose – Who am I?
Nurture students' self-awareness to support them in discovering how they can meaningfully play a part in their community.
Exploring Opportunities – Where do I want to go?
Develop students' self- directedness and confidence to explore and leverage education and career opportunities while respecting the value of all occupations.
Staying Relevant - How do I get there?
Build students' adaptability and resilience to embrace the need for lifelong learning.
On top of ECG lessons during CCE FTGP, we have created authentic experiences for our students where we invited staff and partners to share on their roles and responsibilities. An example would be during the commemoration of Total Defence Day (15 February) where staff from Uniformed Services such as SAF and SPF donned their uniforms and shared on what their respective roles entails to raise awareness and spark interest in our students. We also invited officers from SPF to showcase the equipment that they use to keep Singapore safe.
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