Confident Thinkers, Competent and Self-Directed Problem SolversMission
To instil in students the love for Mathematics and help them attain a level of mastery in problem-solving skills which will serve them well in life.Learning Experiences
In Greenwood Primary School, we believe in providing enriching and joyful learning experiences through active and collaborative learning, sound pedagogy and various curriculum initiatives, for our students to achieve our vision and mission.
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All students could apply mathematics in the real world and have fun solving mathematical problems outside their classrooms during the Math Week.
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Primary 1 and Primary 2 students have the opportunity to be Mathemagicians. As Mathemagicians, they get to share stories related to mathematics, post questions or puzzles for their peers in class as well as during recess time. Through this platform, students can develop affection towards mathematics and become more confident to communicate mathematical ideas.
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Mathletics is a unique programme designed to support Primary 6 students in learning mathematics while promoting an active lifestyle through badminton. Students have the opportunity to revise and apply mathematical concepts such as estimation and geometry, and inculcate values such as responsibility and resilience while having fun learning badminton skills.
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Teachers use the Random ACt of Maths programme to motivate students to love and learn mathematics. Students who have consistently demonstrate positive Attitude towards study, are Curious about mathematics and show the griT to learn and not give up easily, will be rewarded with stars. Students can use these stars to redeem ‘mystery’ gifts from their teachers.
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Greenwood works in partnership with Raffles Girls School to provide additional weekly support to some Primary 5 and Primary 6 students in terms of academic as well as motivational support. Apart from helping the students revise mathematical concepts, the secondary school students also help to build better disposition towards studies.
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Use of technology and manipulative in teaching and learning to enhance conceptual understanding.
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Students work collaboratively using concrete resources to have better conceptual understanding.
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